Algae for Bioremediation and Biopolymers
The Blue Nomad Foundation’s mission is to foster scientific research and
develop environmentally and economically sustainable technologies that
use algae biomass to bioremediate polluted water, manufacture biodegradable
biopolymers and other high value algae derivatives.
BNF’s immediate priority is to address the critical needs of Imperial County,
California where the Salton Sea is an unmitigated environmental disaster.
Our long term vision is to take the solutions we apply in California to the
rest of the world. BNF will advocate global awareness and adoption of
successfully developed technologies through open-source licensing of the
intellectual property developed through its research. Our hope is to motivate
farmers throughout the world to adopt environmentally sustainable
technologies that will reclaim polluted sources of water and non-arable
land, at the same time helping their local economies and industries.